Thursday, May 14, 2020

Anabolic Steroids Should Be Banned - 1348 Words

Steroids, more specifically anabolic steroids, are drugs that can be legally prescribed or taken illegally, to boost strength and increase athletic performance. They are based off of the hormone testosterone. On the street where the drug is sold illegally, the common slang names are â€Å"arnolds†, â€Å"gym candy†, â€Å"pumpers†, â€Å"roids†, â€Å"stackers†, â€Å"weight trainers†, and â€Å"juice†. Steroids have a long, long history, especially in regards to sporting events. Anabolic steroids were not really used worldwide until the 20th century. However, the use of pure testosterone can be traced back to the original Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. Raw animal testicles were eaten by the early Olympians. It sounds disgusting, but it did the job. With this in mind, it†¦show more content†¦This made it safe for human use. The discovery was so profound that both Butenandt and Ruzicka were awarded the 1939 Nobel Prize for their achievements in chemistry. By the 1940’s, anabolic steroid use in the Soviet Union was becoming common. Dr. John Ziegler, a US Olympic team physician found a way to develop methandrostenolone; commonly known as Dianabol. United States Olympic lifters would soon find testosterone and Dianabol dosing to be a part of their regular athletic routine. The impact the drugs were having on athletes were nothing short of impressive. Several studies we re published suggesting anabolic steroid use had no positive effect on sports performance. At the time, this was done to discourage the use, but a lot of athletes didn’t know or care. By 1967, anabolic steroid use was pretty common among Olympic athletes, particularly weight lifters. Even though many physicians stated there was no benefit to anabolic steroid use and athletic performance, the International Olympic Council banned the use of anabolic steroids. Shortly afterwards, the majority of major sports governing bodies would follow suit. By 1972, the IOC would begin implementing a full-scale drug testing program for all athletes. The testing was very simple. Testosterone levels were measured, which can easily be done via a blood test or urine sample. If testosterone levels were found to be six times

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